a little about me
A lover of light, life and laughter.
I’m a introvert that loves good books, dogs and reclaimed wood.
Winter is not my friend and I hibernate like a big grizzly bear when the time comes.
I cringe at small talk, but meaningful conversations? I’m all over that.
I am known to sneak baby snuggles and high fives from little people during Sessions.
Perks of the job.
I feel at home at the ocean surrounded by tall trees.
I believe in hand written notes and little surprises.
I believe that being in photos with our children is the greatest gift we can give them.
Doing something that makes your heart happy is the best thing in the world.
I absolutely love every minute of it.
A little about you
You love good tunes and good coffee.
You love your family, but secretly enjoy spending time alone with your thoughts.
You are loving and kind, but can make a sailor blush when you step on a Lego.
Your Friday nights went from being out on the town to sleep outs on the couch with movies, popcorn (that‘s only a little burnt) and an abundance of giggles.
You don’t believe there is enough hours in a day and that your children are growing by the second.
And that family portrait on the wall…has pets in it instead of your kids.
Don’t worry, we can fix that.
“It was that moment, being surrounded by so many little ones in the NICU that were covered in wires and tubes with nurses hovering over them constantly. It was when we got to leave that place with our baby knowing that some parents never would...and how it could have been so easily us in their place. It was that moment I decided to become a newborn photographer. ”
Want to know more about my Newborn Sessions? Find it HERE
Family Sessions? Find it HERE