Have you ever went on vacation and fell in love?
Now, I'm not talking a summer romance that ends when you leave, crying as you look back down the road towards that person as you drive your way back to reality like every teen romance novel out there or cheap Sunday afternoon matinee.
I'm talking that real deep down tear a piece of your heart out love. The kind you didn't even know that you were missing until you went to that place and found that your heart felt a little more complete when you were there.... Like the gravity was a little stronger there, holding you, pulling you back every time you leave.
It's a total overwhelming, amazing, and a little scary feeling once you found it. But it's love all the way.
The kind of love that feels like home.
I've unexpectedly found mine.
In the grove, surrounded by huge elderly trees.
As I sat on an old driftwood log watching the waves.
Watching my boys play with army men they were so excited to buy at an quirky antique store.
When I took a deep breath and breathed in that place. It happened.
Even though it was my first visit to the west coast, deep down it all felt very familiar. Like, somehow, I had been here before...like, secretly, it had took up residence in the pointy part of my heart long ago, building a little camp for the long haul, until one day I would discover it lurking there.....or until it decided to reveal itself to me.
And the most important part...is that it wasn`t just me.
It seemed to happen to all of us.
But alas, all vacations do come to an end.
But it was me, I admit, during that last drive down by the ocean before we left. Staring out the window at that place, with eyes full of tears...
because it hurt to leave.
Ahh...one day we will load our ship and set sail to our new adventure...
Until then, I will be battling that gravity.
every. day.
the ocean is calling me home.
It`s a big beautiful world out there. Go explore it.
~ CrystalB
Have you ever fell in love on vacation? Let me know in the comments below!
P.S. if you ever head west with your kids, you have to stop at Goats on the Roof in Coombs, BC. You can buy t-shirts with cartoon goats pooping off the roof. My kids thought it was hilarious.