Lauryn {Newborn}

This blog post is a little bigger than my usual posts as I had a super hard time choosing just a 'few' images to share with you all!

Ooohh, this little lady is loved!  I couldn't help but giggle to myself when mom and dad had the playful banter as to who she looked liked today...

Aww...she looks so much like you today...

Yeah, but she looked like you yesterday!

or smile when I heard 

Oh, I can't believe she has changed so much already...

and when dad kept calling her his 'sweet pea'...

Yes, she is one hundred percent completely and absolutely adored.

And yes. it is pretty incredible, unbelievable really, just how fast they change in those first few weeks, let alone the first year.  It is also so amazing for me, that I was able to be a part of that and give you images that you can always look back at and say, 'Remember when...'

Thank You.

and Congrats again mom & dad....she's perfect.

Much Love,
