{The Tiny Light Foundation}

The Tiny Light Foundation is a Canadian Charity that provides professional photography for children and families that have been faced with a life-altering diagnosis.

tiny light

Helping our Tiny Lights shine one photo at time


CrystalB Photography has been a member of  The Tiny Light Foundation since 2011.  In that time I have photographed a handful of Tiny Lights in the community and I have to say that it is has been challenging but one of the most rewarding experiences in my photographic career.

Challenging because I'm a huge softy.  After the Sessions I went home and cried.

Not necessarily because it was a sad situation, but because it is just not fair.


Not fair that a child has to grow up with a disability...or has to know the word Cancer.


Their biggest problems in life should be getting wet toes when jumping in a puddle or not blowing all of the fluff off of their dandelion.

Not needles, tests and doctors.



Why did I decide to join The Tiny Light Foundation?


Because in a way I can relate.

I can relate to the feeling of helplessness, the daily ups and downs, not knowing what will happen....feeling scared....


This is Gavin.

Our Gavin was born on April 9th, 2009 at 4:09pm.

He was born premature at 30 weeks, he was 3 lbs. 11oz


He spent the first 4 weeks of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with dedicated nurses, with tubes, needles, tests, beeping monitors and daily doctor evaluations.

Unbelievably,  he was one of the largest newborns in the NICU.

Even more unbelievable, he was one of the handful of  babies happened to be born healthy (minor issues aside).  He was  just small and need to grow.



Spending the month at his side, was overwhelming to say the least.  There was 5 bays and each bay had up to 8 newborns.

I had witnessed other parents with their little ones and what they had to go through... I still remember talking with a mom of a very little baby girl, she was born just over one pound and spent over 100 days in the NICU.  She was away from her husband and other children.

the. entire. time.

 For some reason our little one managed to come into this world 10 weeks early with limited issues.  I don't know or understand why, but we are more than thankful for it.


When I was contacted by The Tiny Light Foundation, I knew I had to be a part of it.

 To give back to the families that have to go through so much more than we did.

Please go to The Tiny Light Foundation's website  or Facebook page and read some of the family's stories.  Those families are pretty amazing.

The Foundation is currently looking for more photographers to join their team as well as other volunteers.   If you are interested please apply Here.

You won't regret it.

I feel it's about making people smile when sometimes it is hard to, to take their minds off of things for a while and giving them images that will mean the world to them.



Much Love,
